Benjamin Smith @EKublai

Age 34, Male


Wesleyan University '13

Chicago, IL

Joined on 12/13/03

Exp Points:
3,358 / 3,600
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Vote Power:
5.98 votes
Art Scouts
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
10y 10m 8d

EKublai's News

Posted by EKublai - September 11th, 2015

Chapter 18 of the Drunk Boys is LIVE. You know the link. Zhu li, do the thing. VOTE!

After a fierce battle, you guys eventually decided that Chandler should not lie to the cops (How NOBLE of you!). Unfortunately, this means Chandler has no chance of keeping baby Wilbur in his possession.

But for telling the truth, as a reward, you get a peak into some heavy plot and back story. I'm hoping that you guys start getting that tingly sense on the back of your neck that whispers, "Wait... Something IS going on here." Not yet, but we're close.

Again, thank you to all who have been voting. I'm sorry that my chapters are not all too frequent, but I really do try to have them be the best first drafts they can be. Haven't gotten much personal feedback yet so hopefully that means you're enjoying this hectic tale.

Hmmm, what to do about an image this week. Oh!



Posted by EKublai - August 20th, 2015

And flushing them down the turdlet.

Unfortunately, my unrelenting portrayal of man on a cross in the soon-released horror movie Sinister 2 was not enough to elevate the story and script of the pagan boogeyman Baghuul.


6% on Rottentomatoes as of this post which is... okay? Chime in below!

Posted by EKublai - August 3rd, 2015

Y'all know how I'm all apout quests. But you all know that I'm also all about @KrisSalus and DragonsbyKris.

 It's her Two Year Anniversary and she's holding a giveaway promotion. It's so easy to win.

Win this little blue dragon sculpture! Free to enter and free to win! She covers the shipping herself so it tots is for freezle!

Pretty much the same rules as last time:
1) Liking the page counts as an entry. Already Liked? Already entered! Counts as one ticket in the drawing raffle for the sculpture.
2) Share this post on Facebook. That counts as another THREE tickets!
3) NG Referral: If one of your friends Likes the page, they can comment on this post and mention you as a referral, and that will get you both an additional ticket.

Giveaway runs today, August 3, 2015 through Friday, August 15, 2015 at 11:59 PM EDT. Winners will be drawn on the 17th, and rewards will be shipped out on or around the 26th. She needs time to make the wyvern beanie reward for the Tumblr giveaway winner and would like to mail both rewards out at once, so there's a small delay this time. Speaking of Tumblr, though, there's another giveaway happening simultaneously over there, so go check it out and enter if you'd like!

Thanks for celebrating 2 years of Dragons by Kris!! Good luck to all participants!!!



Posted by EKublai - July 20th, 2015

When you're hitchhiking across the country with an infant, it's best not to get pulled over by the police, especially when you have an illegal gun in your backpack....

The 17th Chapter of my interactive novel THE DRUNK BOYS is A-Go. 


The Drunk Boys is a StoryShift Story. Presented by @Evildog

About Storyshift

Join the growing community of Comics and Fiction readers! 

Read comics and stories and decide what happens next! Cast your votes now! Try it on Flash, iOS and Android: Find out more at http://www.evil-dog.com/storyshift.html

Posted by EKublai - July 10th, 2015

@KrisSalus is blowing it up on tumblr with her Pokeplushes. If you remember last time, she detonated an explosion of Typhlosions. But now she's moving on to chubbier things.

Like this absolutely SICK, LIFE-SIZE Larvitar done in the past few days.

More Photos are at her Tumblr page. Follow for more ill-gotten goods (stronger emphasis on goods and dialed back emphasis on ill-gotten, don't know why I used that word actually).

Looking for a Pokemon of your very own? Why not just request one from her through her Etsy shop? (Be warned: this stuff is quality, i.e costs money) You don't need a pokeball (though I'm sure she'd be olbiged to make you one if you asked).




Also: More Drunk Boys news coming in about a week!!>!!






Posted by EKublai - May 21st, 2015

Yes, I am painfully aware of how many times I have used a variant of this headline for my posts.

I try to be creative, but I end up just pee-peeing.

Please vote! You won't be sorry! This is a cool story.



Posted by EKublai - May 16th, 2015

Chapter 16 of my interactive novel is live on @EvilDog 's Storyshift.

About Storyshift

Join the growing community of Comics and Fiction readers! 

Read comics and stories and decide what happens next! Cast your votes now! Try it on Flash, iOS and Android: Find out more at http://www.evil-dog.com/storyshift.html

"The Drunk Boys" so far:

Too long, won't read?

Summary: Chandler is an alcohlic who finds out his wife has been having an affair with each of his three alcoholic friends. One of his friends reveals that he is going to run off with Chandler's wife, but Chandler soon finds out that nothing about this marital breakup is going to be that simple.


What? How interesting? You want the details of how the readership has influenced the story so far? Well! Here you go!

Chapter 1: Alcoholic Chandler Yoning parties with his three alcoholic friends (Cameron, Josh, and Juanele) and discovers that all of them have had an affair with his wife. You decide to have Chandler pee on their heads in revenge.

Chapter 2: Drunk, Chandler takes revenge by peeing on his passed-out friend's (Cameron) head. Josh and Juanele wake up and grab him. You decide that Chandler should explain himself.

Chapter 3: A fight ensues and Chandler is thrown out after stabbing Cameron. Still drunk, he drives off into the night. You decide that he shall go back to the city in time for his Psychiatry appointment.

Chapter 4: Still drunk, Chandler wakes up the next morning and finds himself outside the apartment of his new psychiatrist, the attractive Pamela Betancourt. You decide the conversation should focus on his relationship with Cameron.

Chapter 5: Still quite drunk, Chandler has a very strange discussion with Dr. Betancourt, avoiding telling her much of anything from the previous night. He goes back to his car and finds a mysterious note from Cameron. He wants to meet and talk about Alicia. You decide Chandler will meet Cameron at University Bridge.

Chapter 6: Drinking to stay drunk, Chandler joyrides to the meeting location. Cameron tells Chandler he and Alicia are running away together, and that Chandler will never see them again. He then shows Chandler a surprise, an abandoned baby girl Cameron felt guilty about leaving to die. He surprises Chandler again by knocking him out with the butt of his gun. Now the baby is Chandler's problem. Doing what You feel is right, Chandler takes the baby with him.

Chapter 7: Still drunk but sobering, Chandler gets the baby (who he named Wilbur) some food, diapers, and deals with his father on the phone, who is forcing him to see Dr. Betancourt in exchange for helping him out financially.  He returns to his apartment to find it empty. No Alicia. She packed up and left. No goodbye. He calls Juanele, who offers to help with Wilbur). You take it.

Chapter 8: Sobering, Chandler arrives at Juanele's house with Wilbur. He drinks some more and lays out on Juanele's couch. Falls asleep. You decide that Chandler quits drinking a week later. END OF ACT 1.

Chapter 9: He talks to Dr. Betancourt, again telling her nothing he wouldn't want his father to know since he knows she reports to him. Later, he talks to Juanele, who has grown very attached to Wilbur, perhaps because he lost his chance to be a father when his wife died in childbirth. Then... he arrives home and breaks down, crying. Alicia hasn't called in the past week. Chandler can't help it. He calls her cell phone, only to discover it lying under his bed. He panics, suddenly worrying that Alicia is in danger. You decide that Chandler needs to get Wilbur from Juanele and figure this mess out.

Chapter 10: Chandler continues to call Cameron using Alicia's phone to no answer. He arrives at Juanele's house with the intent of taking Wilbur off his hands. To his surprise, Juanele reacts with anger and tries to block him. In the end, Chandler is triumphant, taking Wilbur and all the baby care supplies.

Chandler decides to go to Cameron's apartment building as a logical place to start his search for Alicia and he. He is then called and taunted by Cameron, especially after breaking into the apartment and realizing he hasn't lived there for months.  He begs Cameron to stop messing with him. Cryptically, Cameron tells Chandler he and Alicia have moved to Florida. Suddenly, he hears an Escalade roar and accelerate.Chandler has a hunch the driver was Cameron, checking up on him. You decide to chase down the Escalade and confirm his suspicion.

Chapter 11: It wasn't Cameron, just some black kid. Aw well, at least he left his gun. Chandler gets a call from Cameron, who explains that he and Alicia have gone ALL THE WAY TO FLORIDA! Cameron won't let Chandler speak to his wife. That's not suspicious! Chandler determines he needs to find his wife. You decide the best way for him to do that is to.... hitchhike... Jeez, you guys. Hitchhike with a baby?

Oi vez.

Chapter 12: Chandler needs some supplies before trekking across the country, most of them baby-related because well, if you're going to hitchhike with a baby, you better be prepared. Before he leaves his apartment, he faints. When he wakes up, he finds a gash on his head and blood on the corner of the table. You decide he should he should just put a bandage on it.

Chapter 13: Chandler and Wilbur get a ride from a nice man name Ed Jablonski, who immediately notices that Chandler bleeding from his head (due to the gash that you knuckleheads decided that he wouldn't get stitched) You come to your senses and let Ed drive Chandler to the hospital.

Chapter 14: Chandler gets stitched, spending all his money. Ed drops him off at a truck stop. You decide he needs to get some cash before he gets involved with his new driver, a trucker who might be named Darilis. Oh, also Josh calls him to talk to him about what the hell he thinks he's doing.

Chapter 15: Chandler realizes he might not have convinced his new driver that he is Wil's father and not a kidnapper. You decide to let Darilis keep driving him instead of try to escape.

Posted by EKublai - April 30th, 2015

I didn't know what to expect when @Krissalus and I rolled up on the NG offices on Pico Day. I certainly didn't expect the smoke of 100 cigars nearly suffocating us. And though the oxygen levels eventually normalized, my mind remained fuzzy and giddy the entire day.

I did not take nearly enough photos to speak to how excited and happy I was to be there. I suspect I forgot pictures because of that reason. I do know that I completely froze at seeing NG superstars and was psyched out of getting a ton of signatures for the copy of the Newgrounds Writing Antholoy I had with me. Oh well. I'll bring it another time to get more.

If I miss tags, please let me know!


From left to right (read like a book baby!): @muteyoh, @jonnyethco, @TomFulp, @thundaboom, @the-swain, @mindchamber, @kumori, @Tyler, Chris Fernandez (best sig), Ryan Stein, @phantomarcade3000, @puffballsunited, @redminus, @wade, Bill (he wrote his Chinese name over his American one), @vicariouse

695600_143044704182_n.jpg@terminalmontage, @krinkels, @almightyhans, @luis, @lollerskater (?), @supardanil, @anti-dark-heart, @thepivotsxxd, @comicdud, @psychogoldfish, @fthreat, @esquirebob, @afro-ninja, @ricepirate, @liljim, @pikapetey, Iworkwithdogs (NG name?)

Again, sad I didn't get more.

The pics are even sadder.


His kids are so cute! Do they have NG accounts I can tag?

695600_143044704053_n.jpgI almost left without getting this one: but I kicked myself at the last second and am so glad I did.

695600_143044704062_n.jpgA surreal moment came when I SPIED WIT MAH LIL EYE THE BUCKING FOOK ON THE SHELF! (next to the Mershaq shorts)


These should be my acquaintances . Instead, they are just dust in the wind.


I recognize @Goryblizzard, and no one else.


Hey look! The Seat of POOOOOOOWER.


ANOTHER SEAT OF POWER! Right next to the other one!


The right half of that SAME SEAT! AMAZING!


A collage of cool chalk drawings. My contribution is the little infant creature to the left of the Strawberryclock. Meh.

695600_143044703572_n.jpgSome more art and what I think is a reference to OneRingtoRuleThemAll ?



And that's it. See how antisocial I was!? :(

I apologize for not introducing myself to @JohnnyUtah, @Oney, @deathink, @stamper, @malachy, among others.

Tags I might have missed: @NATA, @vidgamedude (who, by the way, was freaking everywhere) 

Posted by EKublai - April 30th, 2015

$100 worth of newgrounds today!

Thanks for this great house, Tom!


Posted by EKublai - April 24th, 2015

I expect I'll see a fun-ton (wow that's 2,000 funs!) of you guys at the PICO DAY party today!

For those of you who won't be able to sign my print copy of the Newgrounds Writing Anthology you can still save you Newgrounds hide for the day (in my eyes) by being one of the first to get ahold of the Newgrounds Writing Anthology e-book . A voice of support for writing on the site! Also, it's way cheaper than any print book.

ORDER: Amazon for kindle, iBook for iPhone or iPad, Barnes&Noble NookSmashwordsKOBO, OYSTER Library, SCRIBD 

I'll post pics of the party!
