Like the Facebook Page! It helps my career and makes me fall in love with you.
10... 9... 8... 7... 6.... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.... Oh the euphoria of the new year. I many of you will party and be merry tonight. And I hope a minimal few of you end up dead.
To celebrate Just thought I spread the Bumpin' love with some film pics.
A creepy hallway. Just for you.
This story takes place in a former fraternity.
My Director of Photography kicking the camera's ass on the pics you've seen.
Camera ass-shots like this one!
And of course me pictured center. Trying to look as much like a director as possible, I dressed up like a regular Chris Nolan. Personally I think I look like a jackass and will probably tone it down in the future.
Anyway, that's that! Happy New Year's everyone. We are super excited to start filming again in mid-January, and then who knows! To anyone who takes an interest in this project, your support really lights a fire under us, so thank you!
Good luck with your movie! Happy New Year to you as well!
Happy New Year. Thank you!