Update: Read my responses to comments.
Two Words: Ad Saturation. It is the future of the newgrounds flash cartoon.
Don't believe me? Watch NEWGROUNDS AD GONE CRAZY!!!
With the revenue system fully in place, Newgrounds flash artists have finally begun receiving a little cash for all their hard work and effort. Revenue systems, I believe, are in part responsible for the rise in quality flash movies and flash games in recent years, not to mention the quantity.
However, I recently noticed something while looking at Newgrounds medals: EXT and you may have noticed it too. That's right. It's just one big point giveaway. That and it has NGads on literally every in-game frame. Think about this. Ugolegend has about 6 advertisements on that flash and the flash has gotten 37,000 views. That means ugolegend has got somewhere between 37,000-236,000 ad impressions!!! And it's not even that popular! Here's my theory:
People will start realizing that making games and movies with lots of ads in it makes more money than better games with only one. Since ads need to display for a certain amount of time before it counts as an impression, some people will start to make games and movies where the in-game ad stays on screen for awhile. But seeing as that will make for more boring games, they wil figure out a different way of getting more ads in their flashes. This is the conclusion they will come to.
Replace Everything With ads. EVERYTHING.
This means flash artists will make their characters ngads, their backgrounds ngads, their stories ngad related.
Now some of you may be thinking: psshhhh, this is never going to happen, they'd get blammed for sure.,,,, BUT!!!! Doesn't The Clock Crew exist? The Lock Legion?
The Clock Crew: Newgrounds Gang
The NGad Alliance: Newgrounds Gang with Financial backing from Newgrounds.
Which gang would you join?
.... Now go watch my damn cartoon. I know it sucks, but seriously, this is the future of Newgrounds Revenue.
I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or anything, but your Flash about ads was kinda hard to understand. Was it supposed to be an eye crying because of all the ads he saw? BUT!! I do have to agree with you on this situation and I did like the movements of the eye so I guess it was decent. :)