Holy smokes! 24!
And 12 of those years have been as a part of Newgrounds. I cannot understate the importance of Newgrounds in my life.
I've been a musician, an animator, a writer, and so many other things so far in my young life. Still a master of none, but I'm fine with that. All the more to learn. First and foremost, I'm a student of life.
Be proud of who you are and the things you've accomplished so far. All I have to do is take a look at my NG profile to know that I have passion, and that keeps my spirits up even when the rest of life seems to conspire to keep them down. Do not let anyone take your self-worth away from you. Work to fix your mistakes and be your genuine self. You will learn about everything this world has to offer that much faster.
Anyway, reflection time is over. In a few hours I won't be a birthday boy anymore and I can continue with this trek.